Monday, 9 April 2012


This stripe repeat was not hard to create.
first I made each coloured stripe with the selection tool and paint bucket tool.
Then I selected (with the marquee tool) a rectangle across  the colours and then went into edit, define pattern open a new blank document, go to layers, fill new layer, pattern and then click the striped option. then your page should look something similar to the picture above!

Symmetrical Repeat:
how to make use an image or paint brush to create your beginning image. once you are happy with it duplicate the layer and go to edit, transform and flip horizontal. Connect this layer to the right hand side of the previous layer  and keep adding accordingly horizontally or vertically. once you are happy, use the marquee tool to select an symmetrical area and define the pattern open a new page and use that pattern (explained above).  Presto!

Here are some other repeats I did in class. These ones are a lot harder to perfect so my examples are not quite complete

Half tossed repeat
 Original pattern
Half drop repeat blend

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