Monday, 23 April 2012


My research - Over the past few weeks I have researched my idea for my digital assignment. I have decided to make a fabric design inspired by spiders and their webs. I live in Queenspark (apart of centennial parklands) which means my whole neighbourhood is surrounded by nature's beautiful flora and fauna. I have kept my eye open and found what caught my eye was the detail of spiders and their webs. They surround my house as if they are protecting me. I really like when i look outside my window I can always see a web, breaking the view in to little shapes and pieces and the sun's shine on each strand.

Here are some photos of the research I found In my neighbour hood.

My letter box - protecting my mail

 Outside my living room window

 Night time spiders

 Close up spider
 small webs on the clothes line
 On my walk home 

Daddy longlegs in my bathroom

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