Monday, 30 April 2012

I present to you the fabric design of the century... Spiders and their webs!

Ladies and Gentleman I bring you my edited final fabric pattern! I am pretty happy with the final product, it repeats well and looks very pretty. I found it is not hard to work with nature, it is already so wonderful and gives you so much to work with. With my final fabric design I tried to focus on web detail and transform the spider's menace to society and dangerous character into a creature of great beauty. I think the pastel colours help to convey this. 

What do you think? 
Check it out now!

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Digital assignment - Let's have some fun on photoshop

with my primary research, I decided to have a little play with what I had on photoshop. See how webs and spiders would go as brushes, use different blending options, trying repeats and much more. These are the things i came up with

Monday, 23 April 2012


My research - Over the past few weeks I have researched my idea for my digital assignment. I have decided to make a fabric design inspired by spiders and their webs. I live in Queenspark (apart of centennial parklands) which means my whole neighbourhood is surrounded by nature's beautiful flora and fauna. I have kept my eye open and found what caught my eye was the detail of spiders and their webs. They surround my house as if they are protecting me. I really like when i look outside my window I can always see a web, breaking the view in to little shapes and pieces and the sun's shine on each strand.

Here are some photos of the research I found In my neighbour hood.

My letter box - protecting my mail

 Outside my living room window

 Night time spiders

 Close up spider
 small webs on the clothes line
 On my walk home 

Daddy longlegs in my bathroom

Monday, 9 April 2012

examples of different types of repeats!

half drop repeat Glide Translations 2005 Half drop repeats Viewed 10th April 2012 <>

Brick Julians Mum 2012 70s Fabric Viewed 10th April 2012 <,r:9,s:0,i:84&tx=154&ty=135&vpx=545&vpy=299&hovh=189&hovw=253>
Stripe (my own work)
Spot repeat Artlandia SymmetryWorks  2012 Spot repeat, viewed 10th April 2012 <>
Diamond Jodie Lee 2000 - 2012 Diamond Vector repeat Tiled Pattern viewed 10th April 2012 <>
Tossed Michael Miller 2012 Tossed Geisha - Aqua Viewed 10th April 2012 <>

Ogee JAZILLA 185 2008-2012 OG HEART BR, Viewed 10th April 2012 <>
 mirror PeriwinklePasiley 2010-2012 Minty Leaf Mirror Repeat, Viewed 10th April 2012 <>


This stripe repeat was not hard to create.
first I made each coloured stripe with the selection tool and paint bucket tool.
Then I selected (with the marquee tool) a rectangle across  the colours and then went into edit, define pattern open a new blank document, go to layers, fill new layer, pattern and then click the striped option. then your page should look something similar to the picture above!

Symmetrical Repeat:
how to make use an image or paint brush to create your beginning image. once you are happy with it duplicate the layer and go to edit, transform and flip horizontal. Connect this layer to the right hand side of the previous layer  and keep adding accordingly horizontally or vertically. once you are happy, use the marquee tool to select an symmetrical area and define the pattern open a new page and use that pattern (explained above).  Presto!

Here are some other repeats I did in class. These ones are a lot harder to perfect so my examples are not quite complete

Half tossed repeat
 Original pattern
Half drop repeat blend

Monday, 2 April 2012

brush exercise!

This was a fun exercise and I found it pretty easy to complete, very good step by step instructions, although I did have trouble  to begin with, deleting and making paths. I really need to further look into this as it is one of the main tools used in Photoshop. Everything else was pretty good however I'm still learning to perfect it all.